Sunday, January 13, 2013

What Is Success To You?

I've no idea what is going to be in this post, but I have this sudden urge to write and pen out the river of thoughts streaming in my mind. So, I was watching some YouTube videos and somehow it got me thinking about life and purpose. Maybe I should start by sharing some YouTube channels which I frequent.
These people did not start off as pop stars, they were simply people who enjoyed music. I've seen how much the quality of their videos and music have improved over the years. There is something about watching people do what they love. Passion and joy seeps out of them, it infects any beholder and touches the soul. It is hard to put into words something that is non tangible and to a certain extent, spiritual. These people do not stay still, they constantly work at their craft, they do not set limits, they continually exceed themselves.

Needless to say there is a parallel to be drawn with our trading, but I will not go there. Instead, I want to raise the timeless question "What is success to you?" All of us will have different answers when confronted with that question, and our response to it will define the way we lead our lives. Is it wealth and status? Is it family harmony? Is it about doing something you like? Is it about helping others?

The thing is, very often we start down one path but get sucked into the distractions of this world and end up on another. For example, a man may be family oriented and is contented with family harmony. However due to the tainted beliefs of the society, he is led into believing that family harmony is only possible with wealth. He stumbles down the road of corruption and immorality in order to achieve that means, ironically destroying his family in the process. How about the girl who loves music and defines success as being able to produce and share her music with the world? She starts off full of zeal, but after numerous setbacks and rejections decides that it is hard to make a living as a musician. She dumps her dream and settles for a dull office job, as a result being plagued by regret and lethargy every single day of her life.

"What is success to you?" When you're able to answer that question, do not forget the answer, come what may. Do not let the world stop you, do not let disappointments and failures stop you, do not ever lose your focus. Is wealth and status really what you desire, or is it just the means to something? What then when you've made more money than you could ever spend? I've given it much thought and I know why I want to be rich. Wealth is not my dream, it is simply the means to my dream. I've chosen trading as the means to obtain wealth, but it is because I love it. It may not be producing the results I desire yet, but I must keep pressing on and perfect my craft.

I'm reading the book "Think And Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill. The first few pages have already blew me away, invoking goosebumps upon goosebumps even as I was reading it on the train. If the rest of the book is going to be that good, I'm going to strongly recommend it as a MUST READ book for anyone who doesn't want to be a drifter in life. I'm not going to go into the content of what I've read, I just want to say that in life there are many timeless truths and wisdom that have been uncovered by great men of the past. We do not need to grope in darkness and try to figure our way in this maze where the destination is success. If there is something common that resonates in all successful people, shouldn't we strive to study and emulate it in order to hasten our journey to success?

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