Saturday, May 18, 2013

7 Signs You Know You're Maturing As A Trader

Just want to share a great article: 7 Signs You Know You're Maturing As A Trader

Points 2 and 7 speak a lot to me. I still feel anxious whenever I'm in a trade, and get pretty down when I lose one. The thing is, I'm a very meticulous person, and when I'm really into something, I feel a strong need to perfect every single aspect of it. Now this has been a double edged sword. Because of my nature, I think a lot and dig deep into many aspects of trading. I think about the psychology and reason behind price bars, how the various time frames blend together; I do thorough post mortem of my losing trades to make sure I learn from them, and I've discovered a lot of little intricacies regarding the markets because I bothered to find out more. The downside is that I get too tensed up when I'm considering a trade, and once I've made it I start watching it on the minute chart and freak myself out. Yes not healthy I know, I try to justify it by claiming that there is a lot to learn about the fractal nature of the market by observing the lower time frame charts. Indeed it is true and I've learned quite a bit, but it is also not aiding my mental and emotional state.

Will be going on a holiday next week, but once I'm back I'm going to make a conscious effort to work on my psychology to eliminate this anxiety thing. I'm also going to demo trade even more because I want to learn how to scalp (maybe 5 or 15 mins chart). Thing is, J16 is quite anti lower time frame trading but the guys at RTM are scalping very well and getting 3-5R trades pretty often. The concepts they use also seem very sound. As such I'm going to practice trading supply/demand concepts the RTM way and see how it goes; hopefully scalping will fast forward my learning curve. There will definitely be tonnes of failed trades but I hope to learn from them and gain experience. Looking forward to that!

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