Sunday, July 28, 2013

Will Smith Secrets Of Success

That video really fired me up. This stuff is real, its the core of books such as Think And Grow Rich, it is biblical. I really like something Will said - "There is no reason for Plan B because it distracts you from Plan A". I'm wholly committed to becoming an excellent trader, and I refuse to harbor thoughts of going back to my previous profession or trying out something new in case this fails to work out. There is no turning back, I've burned all the bridges behind me.

One of the biggest and most important lesson that trading has taught me is how essential failure is. Society, education, and culture portrays failure as something negative, as if that is the end result. However I've come to realize that every failure is just life's way of showing us one more option that doesn't work. The path to success is built upon failure, or more precisely the continual eradication of the options that doesn't work. I've eradicated many mistakes in my trading, but there are still many more to go.

And so, I have my dreams, goals and targets, but I must not be naive to think that this journey would be smooth sailing. Just because you have a target and you feel fired up doesn't mean you'll definitely hit it. Disappointment and discouragement will hit you time and again, and it is in those times where you don't feel so fired up anymore when the true test of your mental capacity and character surfaces. Self encouragement and positive confession doesn't come naturally, it takes sheer willpower to discipline the mind to think positive thoughts and the mouth to speak positive words. It is easy to do that when you're feeling fired up after a good book, video, or sermon, but what matters is that you're able to do so even during times of failure and discouragement.

Here is one of the governing verses of my life:
Proverbs 23:7 - For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

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